GEOfood Brand Development

GEOfood Brand Development

GEOfood brand development GEOfood is a global brand that promotes food that is sourced and produced in UNESCO Global Geoparks. It aims to strengthen local livelihoods by promoting local food stories and highlighting the natural connection between the land and the food...
Geopark Social Media

Geopark Social Media

Geopark Social Media One of the key recommendations from the UNESCO Global Geopark re-validation in 2019 was to improve the Geopark’s communications. Social media is a key area to communicate Geopark information to domestic and international audiences and...
Geopark Content Creation

Geopark Content Creation

Geopark Content Creation With a strong background in multimedia and content creation, and a passion for photography, videography and design, I have been able to create and communicate messages and information for the Geopark in a diverse range of formats. Photography...
Geopark Website Integrations, SEO and Performance

Geopark Website Integrations, SEO and Performance

Geopark website integrations, SEO and performance An aspect of my role as communications officer in the Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark involves managing the website and it’s content. This involves building website features and pages, managing...
Geopark Animation Series

Geopark Animation Series

Geopark animation series Geological and scientific research and information can be in-depth, full of jargon and difficult to understand. Visualisations and images can be really beneficial in making the information easier to digest. When the opportunity arose to apply...